GUBLU..a very typical Bong nickname. And we decided to name him and his brother very typically, after almost running out on names. Gublu and Gablu were my grandsons or great grandsons, well its a long connect for me to fathom. A small injured pup had walked into our garden almost ten years back on a rainy night. The pup became my son-Browny. In his youth he befriended a lady(Blacky) and we adopted her too. And Gublu and Gablu were actually their grandsons, so technically my great grandsons.Gablu was as black as midnight, Gublu had both midnight black and the white radiance of moonlight. Two extremely naughty puppies, who chewed innumerable shoes, belts and clothes. While They were just all over the house, and their mother Peppy was both proud of the antics of her two sons,and often embarrassed when we gasped in disbelief at their latest misdemeanours. Life was on a roll in our house, with all our other pets and these two pranksters. And when it came to sleeping, they had the entire house to themselves, but they had their preferred zone-my bed. While Gablu preferred to rest his head on my pillow, Gublu always settled his head on my knees.
Gablu left us almost a year back..suddenly. And we clutched onto Gublu even more.

He grew abnormally tall , in comparison to the normal mongrels, and his antics even increased with his size. We tried hiding our shoes, but he always managed to find them. My golden stilettos were no longer a pair, bro's socks were in shreds and mom's hairbrushes, were they ever hairbrushes? They resembled
bits of play dough now. No amount of words worked on Gublu. You could be
red with anger on him, but when he looked at you with his droopy melting eyes, you would be cuddling him just then.

He was never finicky about food, Ma was happy in that regard. And after I left the country, bro and him became closer than ever. Till about a few days back, I even spoke to him on an international call. With Ma keeping the phone to his cocked years, and him wagging his tail, as I asked him how he was doing. His sharp barks were a soothing balm to my ears..I was somehow missing him a lot. And Ma added to my concern, stating that he had not been doing too well. The vet had seen him, and the saline was somewhat working.
Memories kept coming back to me, I kept telling myself, he would jumping around very soon. But I got the fateful news from Ma..that he had left all of us. Mom almost choked as she said, bro was too disturbed to even even talk, and I did not believe what I heard.
Ma tells me that his red collar and his green jacket are still laid out on my bed. Well, I had forgotten to add, that after I got married my bed had become Gublu's property. Now there will be no more incessant barks when I make the next international call. My stilettos would

remain stilettos and mom's hairbrushes could be used for what there were for, but the void in our hearts will remain a void. It snot the first time, that we have had a pet death in our family, bu
t with each passing death the scars in our hearts had just increased. This time this is not just a scar, its a gaping wound.
RIP Gublu.. mourned and missed!!! Love u darling.
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